How to First Aid When Burns Occur?

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How to First Aid When Burns Occur?

Burns are damage to body tissues that occur due to exposure to fire, hot water, electricity, chemicals, radiation, ice, etc. Damage from these burns can extend to the sides or inwards which can involve other tissues besides the skin.

The severity of burns depends on the type, temperature and duration of exposure to the source of the burn. If not treated quickly and appropriately, these burns can damage body tissue more than it should. Because this damage will continue to penetrate deeper tissues even though the source of the burn has been removed.

First aid for burns:

How to First Aid When Burns Occur
How to First Aid When Burns Occur

No matter how small the burn is, it’s best to go to the nearest health service after first aid is given.

1. Stop the burning process

Stop the burning process by keeping / turning off the heat source. For fire burns can be used water, wet cloth, rolling on the ground. For electrical burns by disconnecting the electricity, do not touch the victim’s body and do not use any liquid to splash the victim.

2. Cool the burn

First Aid When Burns
First Aid When Burns

Flush with running water for 20 minutes is useful to cool the wound, reduce pain and reduce swelling. Do not use other ingredients such as coffee, toothpaste, soy sauce etc.

3. Painkiller medication

Various drugs that are easily available and commonly available at home, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. It’s can be given to the victim according to the dosage listed on the package to reduce pain and help make the victim comfortable.

4. Bandaging burns

Clean and sterile dressings should be used to cover the wound to prevent chilling of the victim before or on the way to further treatment and also to reduce the risk of infection for minor burns during home care.

Burns are an injury that causes damage that does not only involve damage to body tissues such as skin, muscle or bone. But the damage caused by burns is so complex that it can lead to a lack of fluids, etc. lungs and even heart.

Special burns such as burns in children, burns in the elderly, chemical burns, electrical burns, deep burns, burns with other traumas, burns with comorbidities and burns to the face, joints and tools genitals, should be examined by a health service with the Burns department or in the presence of a plastic surgeon.