Carmen Electra’s Most Embarrassing Moment During Her Baywatch Edition

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Once upon a time, Baywatch electrified audiences throughout America and even throughout the world. Sure, the show may have been a flimsy excuse to put some of the most beautiful actors in tight bikinis. But it was the ‘90s, and absolutely none of us could look away.

And one of the most unforgettable members of the Baywatch cast was Carmen Electra. It’s difficult to imagine the show becoming such a success without her. Ironically, though, that very nearly happened because Electra wasn’t prepared for what her audition would involve.

Just what went down at the audition? How did Electra overcome the challenges and ultimately join one of the most popular shows in Entertainment history? Keep reading to discover the answers! 

Baywatch once ruled the airwaves

When we say that Baywatch embodied the ‘90s, we mean that quite literally. The original show premiered in 1989 and lasted a whopping 11 seasons. That means that ‘90s kids and especially ‘80s kids grew up watching the increasingly dramatic misadventures of the lifeguards brought to life by Carmen Electra and others.

In 2017, there was a Baywatch movie that was entertaining, but it failed to become a franchise juggernaut like the original show. The movie’s failure to become a runaway hit could be chalked up to the fact that modern audiences no longer love the quirkiness of the Baywatch formula. More likely, though, the movie didn’t become a runaway cultural moment because the new cast of pretty faces just wasn’t as charismatic as David Hasselhoff and the rest of the original cast.