Viral Star With a Tattooed Face Looks Completely Different After Laser Removal

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Viral Star With a Tattooed Face Looks Completely Different After Laser Removal

It’s an open secret that viral fame is something of a double-edged sword. For every person that goes viral due to some special accomplishment, there are countless others that go viral due to something embarrassing.

That was certainly the case with Alyssa Zebrasky. This Ohio woman was arrested back in 2018, and she went viral as soon as her mugshots went public. And it wasn’t hard to see why: her entire face was covered in spooky tattoos!

At the time, much of her viral 15 minutes of fame consisted of people showing friends her mugshot, so they could see how wild her face looked. However, Zebrasky has recently had the tattoos removed by a laser, and you won’t believe how much her face looks completely different!

The original tattoos

By now, everyone knows a few people (maybe more than a few) who have tattoos. However, it’s not a coincidence that most tattoos are on arms, legs, and other parts of the body that can be easily hidden by clothing. And part of what made Alyssa Zebrasky’s tattoos, so striking is that they cover her entire face. Even from a simple mugshot, it was easy to see just what made her own ink so extreme.

The most prominent part of her extensive facial tattoos is a spiderweb across her forehead. Her eyes are also bordered by an intricate skull design, and the combination of red and black directly around the eyes gives them an almost demonic appearance. The skeleton motif continues with ink on her cheeks, nose, and lips.

While nobody can deny her tattoos were striking, it didn’t take long after her viral infamy for Zebrasky to start having the ink removed.