Unleashing the Power of MCT Oil: 5 Surprising Uses and Health Benefits

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MCT oil is a type of fat that you can take as a natural health supplement. MCT stands for medium-chain triglyceride, which refers to the length of the carbon chains in these fats. MCTs have been shown to have many health benefits and may help with weight loss and athletic performance. This article will tell you everything you need to know about MCT oil: what it is, how it works, and how to use it at home.

What Is MCT Oil?

MCTs are not just any type of fat; they’re classified as medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). These fats are different than long-chain triglycerides (LCT), which come from plant oils such as olive oil or peanut butter.

The main difference between MCTs and LCTs is how they’re processed by your body. In general, LCTs are used for energy storage in adipose tissue or as fuel for long periods without food intake (like when you’re sleeping at night). With longer chain triglycerides, they arrive to the liver, where the body decides what to do with them; either use them as energy or store them as fat.

On the other hand, MCTs have shorter carbon chains than LCTs. This means the small intestine more easily digests them before reaching the large intestine where most nutrients get absorbed into your bloodstream; thus providing immediate energy to support physical activity like exercise without being stored as fat later on.

Health Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT oil is a healthy, natural fat that you can use in your diet. It’s extracted from coconuts and palm nuts and it provides a quick source of energy similar to carbohydrates. MCT oil has many benefits for the body: It helps burn fat, increase metabolism and improve digestion.

  • Energy:

Because MCTs are absorbed quickly by the body without requiring much energy from digestive enzymes or bile acids (which aid in digestion), they provide an immediate source of energy that can help burn off excess calories from food intake throughout the day—even after eating just once. This is one reason why many athletes use this supplement during training sessions; plus there are no side effects associated with taking too much. Additionally, if you are on a ketogenic diet, MCTs get converted to ketones in your liver, where they are used as an energy source by your brain.

  • Sports Nutrition:

MCTs have also been used by athletes as part of a sports nutrition plan to help improve performance. Studies have shown that MCTs can increase muscle glycogen stores and reduce fatigue when taken before exercise or competition. This is because they are a quick source of energy that does not require digestion enzymes or bile acids, so they can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and used immediately by muscles for energy production. One study found that MCT supplementation before a workout significantly decreased lactate levels in athletes. Lactate is a byproduct of the body’s metabolism that can make you feel sluggish and tired. MCTs also help to prevent muscle damage during exercise, which is another reason why they may improve performance.

  • Weight loss:

If weight loss is your goal, you might want to try MCT oil rather than coconut oil. In one study, participants who took MCT reported feeling more full between meals and ate smaller portions than the group taking coconut oil.

  • Improves digestion:

MCTs are digested quicker than other fats because they’re small enough to pass through the digestive tract without being broken down by enzymes. The speed at which MCTs are processed means they don’t contribute to weight gain or cause indigestion as other fats do. As such, many people who suffer from slow gut function take MCT supplements as part of their treatment plan.

How to Use MCT Oil

You can also find MCT oil sold on its own at a good health food store. MCT oil is naturally found in coconut oil and palm kernel oil, although the latter has some issues in terms of sourcing and farming.

The recommended dose for MCT oil is between 1 and 3 tablespoons per day.

It is highly recommended that you take professional consultation from a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking any MCT oil supplements.

Which MCT Oil Is Best?

If you are looking for a pure MCT oil, then NOW Organic Coconut MCT Oil is an excellent. NOW’s MCT is organic and doesn’t contain any filler oils. It offers 60% caprylic acid and 40% capric acid and is easily metabolized and a great source for natural energy. MCT oil is a great addition to your diet. It can help boost your metabolism and improve digestion, among other things.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is intended for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your practitioner prior to taking herbs or nutritional supplements.


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash


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