Turkey Teeth in Turkey – Get Rid of All Your Dental Problems

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Many people have heard of ‘Turkey teeth’, which are fake-looking dental work done in Turkey. The procedure has been a growing trend in recent years, fuelled by social media stars documenting their transformation on TikTok.

The problem is that this treatment often goes wrong. Several mistakes can be made during the process, including excessive tooth filing. This can leave the teeth resembling fangs under the prosthetic.

Costs of Turkey Teeth in Turkey

The new trend, ‘Turkey Teeth,’ has risen rapidly over the last few years, thanks to social media influencers sharing their smile makeovers in Turkey. However, not all the transformations have been positive, and a few people were left disappointed by their cosmetic dentistry in Turkey.

A common reason why many patients rush to have their teeth done in Turkey is that it’s cheaper than in the UK. This might seem appealing at first, but if the treatment is not carried out properly, it can significantly impact your teeth’s health and longevity.

The procedure involves filing down a patient’s natural teeth to look like pegs or fangs and then fixing a crown. This reduces the lifespan of your natural teeth and could even lead to tooth loss later on. It’s an expensive mistake to fix. 

Complete Procedures of Turkey Teeth

Many people seeking a beautiful smile seek dental treatments in Turkey. The clinics in this country offer quality procedures and competitive prices. They also have high-end equipment.

  • Devices

These devices include 3D/CT scanning, digital X-rays, and computer-aided design/manufacture. They use these tools to determine the best treatment option for patients. In addition, they offer a variety of cosmetic treatments. They also provide a variety of packages to save their patients money and time.

  • Whitening

A popular procedure is whitening. This helps restore teeth to their natural color and brightness. It is also used to treat discolored, crooked, or chipped teeth. Other procedures include full-mouth restoration, veneers, and dental implants. You can click here to check more full-mouth dental implants turkey package deals. 

  • Success rate

The dentists in Turkey are experienced in these procedures and have a high success rate. They also offer dental packages to reduce the cost of the procedures. These packages include hotel, transportation, and tests. These packages are cheaper and easier to organize than individual treatments.

  • Technology

The dentists in Turkey are highly trained and skilled, using state-of-the-art technology to deliver high-quality treatment. In addition, the clinics are much cheaper than in many other countries. This is due to a combination of factors, including lower operating costs, salaries for dental professionals, and a lower cost of living. 

  • Risks

However, there are some risks involved in getting this type of dentistry. There have been cases of botched teeth in Turkey, often resulting in painful complications and even tooth loss. These botched treatments can also look and feel inferior to natural teeth.

  • Grinding

The Turkey teeth procedure involves grinding the patient’s natural teeth down to points and then gluing porcelain veneers. This process can cause pain and may expose the nerves, leading to infections. In addition, some dentists do not blend the veneers well, which can cause sensitivity and plaque. This can also result in a more extended recovery period.

Recovery of Turkey Teeth

The Turkish dental industry is a multi-billion dollar powerhouse. Thousands of patients travel to Turkey for their cosmetic dentistry needs, and the country has a reputation for excellence. However, the quality of care varies widely. The best clinics provide comprehensive packages, including hotel accommodations and transportation. These deals save patients time and money and allow them to focus on treatment.

Many people have fallen victim to the “Turkey teeth” phenomenon in recent years. This term describes a wrong dental procedure, usually because of excessive tooth filing and aggressive reduction. This can lead to teeth resembling fangs under the prosthetic and even long-term damage.

The process in Turkey involves shaving the nerves of natural teeth to make room for a crown or veneer. This can cause severe pain and exposes the nerves to infection. Furthermore, the procedure is less regulated in Turkey than in the UK, so the quality of the work can vary. Moreover, the veneers used in Turkey are made via CADCAM in Zirconia, which is opaque and doesn’t last as long as natural teeth.


Image Credit: Photo by Peter Kasprzyk on Unsplash 

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