Top 8 People Living Strange But Happy Lifestyles

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Top 8 People Living Strange But Happy Lifestyles

Each person is an individual who independently decides how to live their life. There is nothing illegal about someone’s personal affairs, and we can only respect and accept other people’s choices. But boy, are there some really weird cases out there!

Don’t you just want to ditch your boring everyday life in favor of something unusual, like becoming a mermaid or a dog? That childhood dream you’ve had for decades can become a reality. At least these eight individuals are living their best life without regrets.

1. Catwoman and her 1,000 furry pets

The story of Lynea Lattanzio began when her mother did not allow her to have a pet cat when she was a child. Her love for cats has only grown stronger over the years, so Lynea eventually opened a shelter in her own house where she brings poor hapless kitties. The five-room cat hotel is located on 12 acres of land in California. The fluffy residents are free to go wherever they want and do what they like, which is eat, poop, and play. After a short stay in Lattanzio’s no-cage, no-kill sanctuary, the cats go to their forever homes. According to Lynea, the cat hotel has had more than 19,000 visitors throughout the years.

Top 8 People Living Strange But Happy Lifestyles

2. The Victorian-era couple

Sarah Chrisman and her husband, Gabriel, live a Victorian life. They deliberately rejected any and all benefits of modern life and did not seem to regret it. They take showers using a jug of water, craft their clothes from natural fabrics, do not drive a car, and use only oil lamps to illuminate the house. As long as they don’t do something stupid or harmful, it’s all good!

3. The Dog-person from Britain

A man named Tom Peters dresses up in a dog costume and acts like an animal in his spare time. He likes to play with dog whistles, eat from a bowl, and go for walks outside. Tom admits that this unusual hobby is a way for him to escape from reality and return to his primal form.

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