Top 10 Most Puzzling Archaeological Discoveries

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Top 10 Most Puzzling Archaeological Discoveries

Remarkable archaeological discoveries have always fascinated people, probably because no one knows what they are or why they’re there. This leaves lots of room for creativity and imagination. Today, we’ll try to shed some light on the most puzzling discoveries scientists have ever unearthed.

1. Stone spheres of Costa Rica

The Diquis River Delta is home to a peculiar and fascinating discovery: giant stone spheres known as Las Bolas. These mysterious objects were created around 600 AD by an ancient civilization that lived there before the arrival of Europeans. Most of the spheres are made of a type of rock called gabbro, which forms when molten lava cools down. The creators of the spheres used smaller stones to shape them into perfect spheres. Many people have wondered what these balls were used for, with some suggesting they were astronomical instruments or guides to hidden treasures. However, no one knows their purpose, as the civilization that made them disappeared long ago.

Top 10 Most Puzzling Archaeological Discoveries

2. Antikythera mechanism

This artifact was discovered in the wreckage of an old Greek ship that sank more than 2,000 years ago. Made of bronze, it’s a combination of mechanisms and gears that seem to be part of some fantastic invention. For a long time, it was thought to be an ancient astrolabe, but as archaeologists started to study it more closely, they realized that it was something much more than that. It’s actually an ancient astronomical calendar, which makes it the most complex historical find of its time. Even today, scientists are still scratching their heads, trying to figure out how it works.

3. Tomb of Cleopatra

Cleopatra VII was the last queen of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC and was famous for her intelligence, beauty, and passionate flings with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. The exact location of her tomb is still a mystery, as well as that of her lover, Mark Antony since it has never been found. According to ancient texts, they were buried in a beautiful monument near a temple of the goddess Isis. However, many believe that their grave might have been looted over the centuries.

4. Tomb of Qin Shihuangdi

In 1947, Chinese farmers discovered the legendary terracotta army of Emperor Qin Shihuangdi. The sculptures were made to guard the emperor in the afterlife. However, his burial chamber and treasures remain a mystery. The emperor’s tomb is believed to be an underground palace located several miles from the army to fool the tomb raiders. Finding it is difficult, if not impossible, so the mystery remains unsolved.

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