The Truth About Heath Ledger’s Daughter

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Sadly, Hollywood history is full of amazing performers who were cut down in the prime of their lives. Even though these actors live forever through their films, it’s always sad to imagine how many more stories they could have brought to life had they lived longer.

Heather Ledger is one such actor. After the success of his performance in The Dark Knight, everyone assumed that Ledger had an amazing career ahead of him. Tragically, the actor died in 2008, leaving behind a legacy of powerful performances.

He also left something else behind…a legacy that will carry his story through the years. We’re talking about Heath Ledger’s daughter Matilda; keep reading to learn everything you need to know!

Who is the mother of Heath Ledger’s daughter?

At the height of his power and fame, Heath Ledger could have been romantically involved with anyone that he wanted. Therefore, when hearing that the famous actor has a daughter, everyone can’t help but ask the same question: “who’s the mother?”

In this case, the mother is Michelle Williams, a fellow actor best known for her performance in Dawson’s Creek. Her and Ledge’s child Matilda was born in 2005, but the couple called it quits in 2007. After Ledger’s untimely death in 2008, Williams was left to raise Matilda on her own.