The Truth About Frances Bean Cobain, Kurt Cobain’s Wealthy Daughter

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The Truth About Frances Bean Cobain, Kurt Cobain’s Wealthy Daughter

Kurt Cobain remains one of the most fascinating figures in all pop culture history. As the lead singer of Nirvana, he effectively became the father of Grunge music. And he might have further shaped musical history if not for his tragic suicide, one which also shone a spotlight on his very troubled relationship with Courtney Love.

Love has generated so much drama since then that most people don’t even realize that she and Cobain had a child together. However, Frances Bean Cobain has had the kind of wild life that only Kurt Cobain’s daughter could have.

Just how wild did her life really get, though? Keep reading to learn all about the daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love!

Parental drama at a young age

Normally, celebrity children get to grow up a bit before they get involved in their parents’ weird drama. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case with Frances Bean Cobain, who was taken out of her parents’ custody at a very young age.

Why was she taken? Courtney Love used a Vanity Fair interview to tell the entire world that she was using heroin while she was pregnant. This gave welfare officers all the excuse they needed to remove her child from the home.

Eventually, Frances Bean Cobain was given back to her parents’ custody. But it wouldn’t be long before she only had one parent in her life.