The Freakiest Details Celebs Ever Admitted About Their Lives

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Celebrities are naturally fascinating to us. Because celebs are gorgeous and talented, fans want to learn everything they can about their favorite stars. And they often do learn quite a bit about these celebs because if there is anything the stars love more than fame and fortune, it’s chatting about themselves.

However, celebrities are just like the rest of us in one important respect: they sometimes go a bit too far and give everyone a bit too much information about themselves. In fact, some of the things these stars have to say about their lives are just downright weird. What are the freakiest details the hottest celebrities have ever admitted about their lives? Keep reading to find out!

Meghan Trainor and her husband have pooped side by side

Typically, one of the big goals in a relationship is being very comfortable with your partner. However, is there such a thing as being too comfortable with the love of your life? After hearing musical sensation Meghan Trainor’s story about pooping next to her husband, we think the answer is a resounding “yes!”

As Today reports, Trainor and her husband Daryl Sabara were navigating the unique challenges of raising a small child together. Oftentimes, the two of them would have to go to the bathroom at the same time, so when they had a new house constructed, they made a special addition: two toilets side by side in the same bathroom. She insists that they typically just go in there to pee together, but on at least one occasion, she and her husband have pooped side by side. Perhaps, though, the couple who poops together stays together!