Meet Kefir, The Biggest Maine Coon in the World

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Meet Kefir, The Biggest Maine Coon in the World

Have you ever seen a human-sized cat? Granted, this extra-large kitty is not as big as an adult, but he’s only two years old. Snow-white Maine Coon named Kefir has already conquered both hemispheres, although not everyone believes that he is real, and honestly, who can blame them?

Meet Kefir, The Biggest Maine Coon in the World

Kefir is not even two years old yet, but he already looks like he could eat a horse for dinner every day, and we can only imagine what it must feel like for his owner to anger this beast. In reality, this giant fluffball is just a tender cuddle monster. Even as a kitten, he was larger than an ordinary domestic cat. Now he weighs over 30 lbs, and there’s still time to grow! An adult Maine Coon grows up to 4 ft in length, including the fluffy tail, and Kefir is up there already.

People online joke that Kefir feeds on the souls of the unworthy, washing them down with vodka, which doesn’t sound that outlandish since, after all, he does live in the land of Putin. His owner Yulia feeds him natural food and reassures everyone that his diet contains only freshly ground liver pate (no human meat whatsoever). What a super diet!

The post Meet Kefir, The Biggest Maine Coon in the World appeared first on Brain Berries.