Is This Man With Hundreds of Tattoos a Better Father Than Anyone Imagined?

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All of us grow up hearing that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Nonetheless, when a person’s “cover” is crazy enough, that can be very hard to do!

Perhaps the best example of this is Richard Huff. This man has hundreds of tattoos on his body, including tattoos that cover the entirety of his face. Because of this, he has developed a fearsome reputation online and even in his neighborhood, and many can’t help but speculate about whether all these tattoos mean this fearsome figure is a bad father.

But is Huff a bad dad? And what’s the story behind his hundreds of tattoos? Keep reading to discover the answers!

Meet Richard Huff

Plenty of people have a tattoo, and some have more than a few. In fact, we bet you know some people with a killer sleeve (or two) of ink that they keep discreetly hidden. However, none of them can hold a candle to Richard Huff.

For Huff, tattoos are more of a way of life than anything else. In fact, he estimates that approximately 85 percent of his body is covered by ink. This has dramatically changed his appearance and, as we noted before, made many people (including those in his own neighborhood) fear that Huff is just as scary as he looks.