Kiriko’s hand actually blocks her head’s hitbox

Streaming Kiriko’s hand actually blocks her head’s hitbox

Players have discovered that the latest addition to surveillance 2Heroes cast Kiriko has her hands positioned close enough to her face that they can block shots from hitting her head’s hitbox. Although Kiriko has only been a playable character since the game’s release a little over a week ago, members of the surveillance 2 The community was quickly intrigued by the quirks and virtues surrounding their character.

As the game’s newest support hero, the kitsune-wielding ninja has had mixed opinions in the community for the past week. Kiriko, who recently received her own official over watch Feature film, relies on accurate kunai to deal damage and healing from ofuda to heal allies. Her Swift Step and Wall Climb abilities allow her to escape dangers on the fly, and her Protection Suzu ability even allows Kiriko to make her teammates invulnerable for a short time. Along with her ultimate ability, Kitsune Rush, players have found her to be a useful support figure to take on the enemy team.


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In addition to her useful gear, however, Reddit user SinisterSundown7 found that Kiriko has another unintended advantage – her hands can sometimes prevent enemy shots from hitting her in the head. This was demonstrated in a video proving that the positioning of her character model’s hands can block headshots from Cassidy’s Peacekeeper at a certain angle. Although it generally goes unnoticed during gameplay, some players are suggesting that this small feature could improve Kiriko’s survivability in certain situations.

Of course, hitbox obstacle issues extend to heroes beyond Kiriko – it’s been known that big-shouldered tank heroes like Reinhardt and Sigma can make it difficult for players to hit headshots from the side as well. Even Ana’s head is partly protected from behind by her slightly bent posture. While this doesn’t significantly affect typical gameplay in any way, it doesn’t stop particularly observant players from pointing it out.

Kiriko remains a relatively hot topic of discussion among the surveillance 2 community. While some argue that she provides an overwhelming amount of healing and that her kunai does far too much damage considering her role as a Support Hero, others believe it’s these changes that set her apart from the other healers and make Kiriko more unique Role. Some members of the community have even complained that Kiriko’s large hands take up too much screen real estate when playing as her.

While Kiriko’s hands evolve as a meme inside surveillance 2 Community players shouldn’t expect their customization to be at the top of the developer’s to-do list. Featuring two heroes currently disabled surveillance 2 Competitive play and a long list of reported bugs to respond to, Blizzard likely has other priorities as it continues to provide fixes following the release of its latest title.

surveillance 2 is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Overwatch 2: Junker Queen has an interesting advantage over other heroes Kiriko’s hand actually blocks her head’s hitbox

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