Did Harry Styles Really Spit On Chris Pine? An Investigation

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Did Harry Styles Really Spit On Chris Pine? An Investigation

The other day, I made my first mistake: checking Twitter for trending topics. I noticed one trending term was “Zapruder,” presumably a reference to the famous footage showing the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Thinking there was some new development or theory, I clicked the trending topic to see what people were talking about.

However, nobody was talking about how Lee Harvey Oswald shot at JFK. Instead, everyone was talking about an alleged incident at the Venice Film Festival after the premiere of Don’t Worry Darling. A video clip appeared to show one star of the movie, Harry Styles, spitting on fellow star Chris Pine as he walked by.

Like everyone else, I ended up watching the clip over and over as if I was studying the real Zapruder footage. So, did Harry Styles really spit on Captain Kirk himself? Keep reading to find out!

The incident in question

How did this all start? Last week, a clip from the Venice Film Festival went viral. In the clip, Chris Pine and film director Olivia Wilde are sitting next to each other. Harry Styles walks over and sits down…but what happened next was a “blink and you miss it” moment that led to rampant online speculation.

As Styles is sitting down, his mouth seems to make an odd motion. At the exact moment, Chris Pine had been clapping but suddenly paused to look down at his pants in seeming disgust. Meanwhile, Olivia Wilde offers no response to what is going on except a blank face and a single blink.

Putting the pieces together, online fans began to debate something that previously seemed unthinkable. Did we all just watch Harry Styles spit on Chris Pine in front of the world? Clearly, a closer look at the footage is warranted.