Classic Movie Scenes That Went Way Too Far

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These days, many moviegoers complain about “cancel culture” when it comes to the films created by Hollywood. The general criticism is that modern movies don’t necessarily push the envelope like they once did, preferring instead to play it safe rather than risk the wrath of angry parents’ groups and online activists who have a bit too much time on their hands.

Honestly, we don’t exactly think modern moviemakers are really that worried about cancel culture, but we can’t deny that some of the films of yesteryear pushed the envelope in a way that modern movies no longer do. Are you in the mood, then, to check out some classic movie scenes that went too far? Keep reading to find a roundup of our favorite ones!

A Clockwork Orange

The movie A Clockwork Orange serves as a fascinating glimpse into the life and lifestyle of violent youths being led by Malcolm McDowell. If you make it through to the credits, you’ll see that Stanley Kubrick is delivering an interesting meditation on the nature of violence, masculinity, and identity. But that means making it through scenes like the above, which showcase (and some say glorify) acts of violence and rape on the part of the gang.