9 Worst TV Series Finales of All Time

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9 Worst TV Series Finales of All Time

Eventually, everything comes to an end, including TV shows. If the writers did a good job, the viewers would get a bittersweet finale with every plot line neatly wrapped up. But there are also times when the last episode of the entire series is hard to follow, makes no sense, and just feels like a slap to the face.

Here are the nine worst TV series finales of all time!

1.Lois & Clark

One of the worst series finale types is when the writers had yet to learn it would be the last episode. Lois and Clark started off fresh, but with each season, it kept getting worse to the point where the odd couple had a half-human half-Kryptonian baby. The creators of the show later commented that the following season was going to feature a fast-growing baby, which would add another layer of plot twists. Thankfully, the network decided that people had had enough of suffering already and shut the show down.

9 Worst TV Series Finales of All Time

2.How I Met Your Mother

When you have a title that pretty much describes how the show should end, it’s not the greatest idea to then do a 180 and destroy everything you’ve built over the years. It should have ended with Ted meeting Tracy, the titular mother, but instead, the writers roped poor Robin into it, even though their relationship is full of textbook toxicity. Also, the fact that Ted got the love of his life, had two kids together, and then rolled back to his ex when the wife died, is kinda weird.


You can tell the writers had no idea how to end this show because Gregory House would never do such a stupid thing as faking his own death to ride into the sunset with his dying friend. You could argue that the last season changed him, but it didn’t. It just makes no sense from the story’s perspective. But the old cast members appearing as cameos was a nice touch.

The post 9 Worst TV Series Finales of All Time appeared first on Brain Berries.