8 Foods to Avoid with a Gluten Intolerance

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8 Foods to Avoid with a Gluten Intolerance
8 Foods to Avoid with a Gluten Intolerance

Gluten intolerance is a condition that affects many people and necessitates serious consideration. A protein called gluten is present in many foods, most notably wheat. When you have gluten intolerance, you get ill after consuming gluten. As a result, you may feel exhausted, gassy, or bloated. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is another name for gluten intolerance. However, it’s not the same as having a wheat allergy or celiac disease. 

A gluten-free diet may be an option for some people, but it may be necessary for others, particularly those with an intolerance. Nevertheless, regardless of the motivations for this diet, the idea of doing away with wheat might be daunting, especially at first.  

If you have gluten intolerance, help from experts at Ravkoo health can go a long way, but you also need to be aware of foods that may cause these problems and avoid them. Some of the top foods to avoid include.  

1. Gluten-Containing Grains

If you are gluten intolerant, you must avoid grains because they naturally contain gluten. For example, rye, wheat, barley, farina, and wheat berries are all grains containing gluten. Bread, spaghetti, cereals, muffins, bagels, cookies, and cakes are the most popular foods. But there are many more foods on this list, such as gravies, croutons, bread crumbs, biscuits, rolls, pita, batter-fried dishes, noodles, tortillas, and pastries, that frequently contain grains.

Be aware that many of these foods now come in gluten-free varieties. Make sure there are no wheat by-products by carefully reading labels. For example, although Oatmeal is naturally gluten-free, processing can introduce gluten into the product. As a result, you must exercise caution while buying it from the market.

2. Baked Foods

Forget about bakeries unless they are gluten-free. Most baked goods are made with wheat flour or other gluten grains. As a result, those who are sensitive to gluten should avoid these foods. In addition, most bread, wraps, and biscuits on the market contain gluten, yet we are unaware of this when we purchase them. To prevent any negative consequences of intolerance, it is advisable to carefully examine the ingredient list on the back of the packages.

White bread, potato bread, rye bread, whole wheat wraps, flour tortillas, wheat crackers, and bagels are some of the goods in this category that contain gluten.

3. Wheat-Based Pasta

Pasta is a common cuisine across many civilizations. Although gluten-free options are available, most traditional pasta is made from grains containing gluten. Therefore, avoid wheat-based pasta, such as ravioli, macaroni, lasagna, noodles, spaghetti, gnocchi made with wheat flour, and dumplings if you are gluten intolerant.

4. Processed Meats

Also, processed meats are unhealthy, and you need to make sure to cut out all if you are gluten sensitive. Most of them have significant concentrations of carcinogenic preservatives, making them undesirable. Avoid processed meats like salami, pepperoni, bologna, sausages, hot dogs, liverwurst, and cold cuts since they may include gluten flour as a binder.

Unprocessed meats like turkey and chicken and gluten-free brands without preservatives are suggested as alternative gluten-free protein sources. If you need to know more about gluten-free meats you can add to your diet, experts at Ravkoo Health are there to help you make a healthy choice. 

5. Processed Foods 

Similar to how you should avoid processed meats, if you are gluten intolerant, you may need to avoid processed meals altogether. Some processed foods, including cheese, hamburgers, lunch meats, canned soups, ice cream, morning cereals, French fries, and flavored tofu, also contain gluten. 

You might want to avoid these meals as gluten makes the dough more elastic and gives some dishes their puffiness and chewiness. Gluten is a stabilizing ingredient in sauces, cheese, pasta, and ice cream.

6. Alcoholic Beverages

The majority of alcohol is produced from grains. Beer and malted drinks are at the top of the list. You should approach with caution while consuming any grain-based alcoholic beverage, including whiskey, some varieties of vodka, and gin. Although many argue that they are distilled safe, clinical studies show that patients still respond negatively to alcoholic beverages made from grains.

Alcohol also affects the healing process and may factor in various health issues. Alcohol consumption won’t be as helpful to your rehabilitation if you avoid gluten because you are sick. When you are gluten intolerant, the best action is to cut off alcohol completely.

7. Seasonings and Condiments

You should avoid many popular spices and condiments if you have gluten intolerance. This is because many contain gluten and pose issues for individuals who cannot tolerate it. In addition, avoid foods like soy sauce, bouillon, malt products, modified food starch, Worcestershire sauce, MSG, and modified food starch unless they are labeled gluten-free. 

Be aware that many salad dressings and gravies are thickened with grains and flour containing gluten. Most tomato sauces are gluten-free, or you may prepare your own at home with butter, salt, olive oil, herbs, and spices. Tamari and liquid amino are other good alternatives. To thicken homemade condiments, use potato starch, arrowroot, or cornflour.

8. Treats and Candy

You might want to pay attention if you have a sweet craving. Eliminating sweets and desserts that could be manufactured with gluten-containing flours and other ingredients is part of following a gluten-free diet. So be cautious while consuming any goods that contain chocolate, root beer, commercial cake icing, sherbets, cereal, sweets, ice cream, or chocolate candies that contain malt. 

You should check the labels to ensure that they are gluten-free before purchasing any of these food items. But don’t worry; plenty of nutritious and gluten-free treats are still available. Fresh fruit is a brilliant example. Additionally, you’ll be able to consume less sugar and make healthier food choices.


At first, avoiding gluten might seem difficult. But nowadays, there are lots of gluten-free options. Planning meals and making reservations when dining out might help avoid hiccups and having a limited menu. Concentrating on all the wonderful, healthful meals you can eat is preferable.

Experts at Ravkoo Health are available if you’re unsure how to build your diet regimen and avoid the unpleasant gluten-intolerant symptoms. Never take a product’s claim to be gluten-free at face value. To find gluten-free foods, you must read the product’s ingredients or ask a store employee for assistance.

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