8 Child Actors Who Fell Off The Radar And Where Are They Now

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8 Child Actors Who Fell Off The Radar And Where Are They Now

Child actors are often thrust into the spotlight at a young age, with their careers taking off at a rapid pace. However, not all of them are able to maintain their success, and some end up falling off the radar as they grow older. From teen idols to Disney stars, these child actors may have faded from the spotlight, but their stories are still worth telling.

Let’s looks at some of the young ‘uns who captured our hearts but disappeared from the public eye and see what they’re up to today.

1. Peter Ostrum

Peter Ostrum, aka Charlie Bucket from the Willy Wonka movie, was so fed up with Hollywood that he decided to study hard and pursue his dream of becoming a veterinarian. He went back to his hometown and received a degree in Veterinary Medicine from Cornell University in 1984. Ever since then, Ostrum has been helping animals in need and has never looked back at the acting days.

8 Child Actors Who Fell Off The Radar And Where Are They Now

2. Mara Wilson

After a successful career in acting, Mara Wilson walked away from acting to focus on her education and playwriting and pursue journalism. Matilda star also claimed that certain people in the industry made her feel very awkward when she was going through puberty. Aside from being an accomplished playwriter, Wilson is also an advocate for mental health and has been open about her experience with anxiety and depression. The actress has spoken out about the importance of seeking help and reducing the stigma around mental illness.

3. Jeff Cohen

What happened to Chunk from Goonies? Apparently, after acting, Jeff Cohen transitioned into a career as an entertainment lawyer, of all things. After graduating from law school, he began his legal career as an attorney at a law firm in Beverly Hills. He eventually started his own practice, which specializes in representing entertainment clients, including actors, writers, and producers. Something the industry sadly needs more and more of these days.

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