6 Most Awkward Live Interviews in Celebrity History

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When you think about how often it happens, it’s kind of weird when live celebrity interviews go sideways. After all, big celebrities are experts at both talking about themselves and promoting whatever their latest work is. As long as they have a professional interviewer, you’d expect the celebs to have no trouble speaking their mind.

However, there have been countless times when the interviewer is less than professional. In that case, the celebs reacted with everything from anger to tears. Don’t believe us? Keep reading to discover the most awkward live interviews in celebrity history!

Howard Stern’s insanely inappropriate Anna Nicole Smith interview

Howard Stern made a name for himself as the king of the shock jocks, and more than a few of his interviews with celebs would turn weird and blue (like when he got Donald Trump to admit how hot he thought Ivanka looked). But when Stern interviewed the now-deceased celebrity Anna Nicole Smith, he wasn’t just blue…he was relentlessly mean in a way that fans are still talking about.

“The way you dress I don’t think you’re aware that you’re a heavy-set woman” Stern said. This provoked an understandable reaction from Smith: “I know I’m a big woman, so what?” That would have been bad enough, but the host kept trying to get Smith to step on a scale to prove him wrong, eventually making an inappropriate offer that was quite easy to refuse: “I’ll show you my penis.”