15 Funniest Mercury Retrograde Memes

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15 Funniest Mercury Retrograde Memes

Feeling like everything’s been going wrong lately? Can’t seem to say the right thing? Keep bumping into things and getting hurt? Are your exes DMing you all of a sudden? Well, here’s a possible explanation—some of the planets, Mercury being the most common culprit, are in retrograde. We’re not saying the planets control our lives or anything, but it’s nice to have an excuse for all the craziness and dumb decisions people make sometimes.

Even if you don’t dig astrology, these Mercury Retrograde memes may give you a chuckle and help you cope with whatever you’re dealing with. Life is unpredictable, but having a reason, even a silly one, can make things feel a little less out of control.

  • Time to take off those rose-tinted glasses and face the facts.
15 Funniest Mercury Retrograde Memes
  • You know how everything crumbles when Mercury decides you’ve made too much progress?
  • But you should never give up, even if a celestial body hates your guts.
  • Always listen to your mother because she knows what’s best for you, even if she literally has no idea what she’s talking about.
  • Trying to communicate with someone during a retrograde is like trying to convince a cat it’s a baguette.